Friday, January 1, 2016

Jessica Jones 1.07

AKA Top Shelf Pervert

- Jessica tries to get herself locked up but Killgrave steps in and prevents the police from locking her up
- Killgrave says he's in love with Jessica! WTF! Don't believe him! He's nuts!
- Officer Mahoney from Daredevil makes an appearance
- Trish and Will are back
- Ruben gets killed by Killgrave and left in Jessica's bed
- Killgrave sneaks into Jessica's apartment
- Jessica threatens Wendy, Jeri Hogarth's wife, whom Hogarth wants to divorce
- bit of an inbetweener, a lot happens but not much resolution
- What's up with Will? Why hasn't he told Trish he found Killgrave? Is he trying to protect her or is he under Killgrave's spell?

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