Sunday, March 13, 2016

Legends of Tomorrow 1.08

Night of the Hawk

- good, fun episode but not exactly what I thought it would be; instead of the return of Hawkman (which I am starting to believe won't ever happen in a meaningful way) this episode delivered a 1950s science fiction horror story plus the return of Vandal Savage
- the team tracks down Vandal Savage in a small town in Oregon
- Shayera and Ray Palmer masquerade as a couple and move into a hoise that is coincidentally next door to the one where Vandal Savage lives
- Vandal Savage has assumed the identity of Dr. Curtis Knox and works at the local insane asylum where he is conducting experiments using a meteorite that contains nth metal
- Dr. Stein and White Canary masquerade as a doctor and nurse at the same asylum where Vandal Savage works
- Rip and Captain Cold briefly masquerade as FBI agents
- Turns out that Vandal Savage is turning his unwilling test subjects into hawk creatures by injecting them with an extract from the meteorite
- issues of racism and sexism are dealt with in this episode as well as same sex relationships
- Chronos turns up at the end of the episode and makes his way on to the time ship, which takes off leaving Shayera, White Canary, and Ray behind
- still don't know what happened to Heat Wave, although the subject of his disappearance is brought up on more than one occasion; Captain Cold doesn't want to talk about it or his role in it; he still seems to feel betrayed by Heat Wave and conflicted over what he did

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