Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Teen Titans 1.06


- delves into Raven's background
- mostly just Raven, Beast Boy, Cyborg
- begins with all 5 fighting Dr. Light; Raven snaps and turns dangerously scary during the fight and then again later on back at Titans Tower
- Raven retreats to her room; Cyborg and Beast Boy go to talk to her and winds up traveling through a mirror and into Ravens mind where they meet different facets of her personality
- Cyborg and Beast Boy also meet Raven's father, Trigon, while inside Raven's mind; Trigon is ultimately defeated by Raven after all her personalities merge into one white-cloaked form of herself

- the ravens in R's mind were creepy
- animation looked very polished
- just noticing that six episodes in and still no origin episode; not a problem

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