Monday, October 17, 2016

Halt and Catch Fire 2.03

The Way In

- there's a whole going on in this episode
- Joe goes to his fiancee's father to complain about the inefficiencies in the department he works in; Mr. Wheeler gives him the department and permission to restructure it as he sees fit; that is such a simplistic explanation of what happens, it is really how this comes to pass and how it is portrayed that make it so good to watch
- Joe and Sara invite Gordon and Donna over for dinner; things go well enough but while they are having fun a computer virus hits Mutiny; Cameron is forced to shut everything down; she tried calling Donna but when she heard Joe's voice on the line she froze
- Boz sees his ex-wife, who doesn't want him to show up at their son's wedding or the rehearsal dinner; Boz manages to get his son's attention and get a moment alone with him but it is a bit bittersweet; I love the way this part of the episode unfolds; it isn't clear what is happening until it happens
- Cameron's new hire, Tom, isn't playing ball; he seems to have nothing but negative things to say about Cameron's new chapter to Mutiny's big game, Parallax; but he is there for Cameron when she has a meltdown moment near the end of the episode
- Gordon is bored; his boredom leads him to do something destructive in the name of innovation; his act is not well received by others once they learn what he did; honest mistake? no it seems more like carelessness on Gordon's part

- this feels like an inbetweener but it has so many great moments in it, lots of which occur without dialogue or at least with moments that unfold in part or in whole visually; I don't feel short changed at all; things are definitely in flux; I definitely want to stay on this ride

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