Friday, July 28, 2017

GLOW 1.06

This Is One of Those Moments

Sam wants Ruth to be heel (bad guy) to Debbie's face (good guy). Debbie's not interested or ready to work with Ruth. She uses the fact that she's the best thing Sam's got going to force him to try and find her another heel.

Justine has a spat with her new boyfriend after he makes fun of Sam's movies. During practice she finds out that Rhonda is sleeping with Sam, which totally kills her respect for him. She confronts him about it but he blows her off, tells her she should focus on her moves in the ring if she doesn't want to get fired. At the end of the episode she sneaks into his office and steals the video camera.

Sam gives Ruth the day off from practice so he can audition other women to be the heel to Debbie's face. Ruth goes back to the motel. She wants to work on her Russian character, Zoya the Destroyer. She questions Gregory, the manager of the motel. He is Russian. She wants to learn more to make her character more authentic. He takes her to a family event which turns out to be a bris for one of his adult cousins. Ruth entertains everyone by singing songs from Yentl.

Debbie goes through all the other women but none of them work as a heel for her. Ruth comes back just in time and Debbie challenges her. They get in the ring and start going at it.

There was this one moment at the beginning of the episode that had an interesting tension to it. Sam and Ruth were alone just before Debbie showed up. She was going off in her Russian accent and for a brief moment I thought something else might happen, that their relationship might cross a boundary. There was a similar moment in the last episode but in that case they were in the car with Rhonda who got very catty when she picked up on the vibe that was flowing between Ruth and Sam.

Not quite as entertaining as the last episode but this was another good one.

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