Friday, September 15, 2017

Teen Titans 2.08

Titan Rising

Terra returns to the Titans just in time to help them battle Slade. Everyone greets her with open arms except Raven. She questions Terra's abilities and judgment. Eventually, Raven learns to trust Terra and accepts her as a new member of the team.

In the end Raven's mistrust of Terra seems like it might not be unfounded. She isn't shown secretly communicating with Slade but the final line of the show makes it clear that she's hiding something form the other Titans.

All in all an excellent episode. I like the consistency of the episode and the level of threat the Titans face. Robin gets to fight Slade one-on-one, once again, this time in an elevator. Raven goes through something similar to what she experienced with Starfire in the previous season. Sadly, her first instinct was the correct one and she has abandoned it.

This episode would be part two of the homage to the storyline from the 1980 New Teen Titans series that culminated in the Judas Contract. I believe that there are at least two more installments in this homage in the 5 episodes that remain in the season.

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