Thursday, March 29, 2018

The Americans 1.12

The Oath

There is an aspect of this show that I find very hard to swallow or believe in. Maybe the audience is just supposed to accept that Elizabeth and Philip are perfect masters of deception (and I'm not talking about their disguises) but I don't see how they are able to do as much as they do and keep it all secret from everyone. These thoughts come to me every time I watch an episode and are part of the reason that I'm not that interested in continuing with this show beyond the end of season 1.

Clark, aka Philip, proposes to Martha. His reasons are a bit unclear. Is this his way of trying to build a new life for himself now that Philip and Elizabeth are separated? Martha says yes and then changes her mind. The secrecy is too much for her. He relents and lets her tell her parents and she says yes again, but wants to get married right away. Claudia and Elizabeth pretend to be Clark's mother and sister for the ceremony. Elizabeth and Philip share share a moment after the ceremony. She suggests that maybe things wouldn't have soured for them if they had actually got married in the traditional way.

Viola Johnson, the Weinbergers maid, who helped Philip and Elizabeth plant a bug in the Weinbergers home in 1.02 (The Clock), goes to the FBI. She tells them everything she knows. Agents Gaad and Beeman are pretty sure from the descriptions that the couple who forced Ms. Johnson to help them is the same couple whom one of their agents encountered earlier in the season.

A high level informant offers up an even higher level informant to Elizabeth. She and Philip are nervous. It could be a trap. Claudia is all for buying the intel from the higher level informant. Philip and Elizabeth wonder if Claudia is setting them up. Philip gets Martha to plant a bug in agent Gaad's office.

Nina is given a promotion. She takes it very seriously. She asks Stan once again who killed Vlad and if he did it. He lies to her once again but he doesn't do a very good job of it. I'm pretty sure that she sees through his lies. The episode ends with her confessing to her boss what has been going on, that she is the mole, and that she wants a chance to redeem herself.

On the whole a better than average episode of the show. I especially liked the moment that Philip and Elizabeth share after after the wedding ceremony. If the most episodes were more like this one I might not be ready to jump ship once this season is over.

Claudia plays Pac-Man

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