Monday, July 23, 2018

Atlanta 1.10

The Jacket

Earn wakes up the morning after a party in a stranger's house. He is missing his jacket. He needs to find it. He tries retracing his steps. He goes to a strip club where he, Alfred, and Darius hung out the night before. He talks to a bouncer and a stripper, but doesn't have any luck finding his jacket. Eventually he finds out the Uber driver from the night before has it. Alfred gives him a ride over to the driver's place. Darius is in the back seat. The driver doesn't show. Alfred senses that something is wrong but when he tries moving his car several police vehicles swoop in and block their way.

The uber driver appears. It seems that he's the one that the cops are after. He runs. The cops shoot and kill him. He was wearing Earn's jacket. Turns out it wasn't just the jacket Earn was wanting to recover. There was something in the pocket. He asks the cops to check, they do, reluctantly, but they don't find anything.

Earn, Alfred, and Darius aren't arrested. They leave. Alfred wants Earn to come over, hang out but he wants to go see Van and his daughter. Alfred gives him his cut of the previous night's gig. It's a nice roll of cash. They part ways. Earn goes to Van's place, has dinner with Van and their daughter. One of Earn's friends stops by, while he is at Van's. He has a set of keys that Earn asked him to hold on to. I think that must be what he thought was in the jacket. His gives Van the money he got from Alfred. She wants him to stay the night but he leaves. He heads to a storage unit, unlocks it, presumably with the keys that he just got back, goes inside, closes the gate, and goes to sleep.

This is the final episode of the season. I enjoyed it. Some episodes are better than others or spoke to me more than others did. I'm curious to see where the show goes next. If and when the second season gets added to Hulu I will probably watch it.

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