Friday, August 3, 2018

GLOW 2.04

Mother of All Matches

Debbie and Tammé get ready for their big fight, each in their own way. Tammé goes to visit her son at Stanford. He finds out about her wrestling career and insists on coming back to Los Angeles for the big match. He is very concerned after discovering the name of her character, Welfare Queen. Debbie flips out when Mark, her ex-husband, has his secretary call her to find out what sort of bed she has. Debbie tears apart the bed clothes and then decides to sell the bed. Debbie doesn't feel satisfied and winds up selling almost everything she owns, and forgets to pick up their son from daycare.

Tammé does her best to live up to her son's expectations for her. He is clearly disappointed to learn that she is a wrestler named Welfare Queen. He tries to be supportive. The match goes well until the very end when it gets ugly. Debbie pushes things too far. Maybe it was all in the script but she really sold it. Tammé can't finish the fight and walks off with tears in her eyes. The crowd is moved by Welfare Queen's departure and goes flat. Zoya comes out of nowhere to save the day. I thiought this part was a forced but I think that isn't unusual for wrestling.

The title says it all. This episode is all about the two mothers and how they are dealing with motherhood. Debbie loses her mind, temporarily. Tammé does her best to balance her work life and life as a mother but can't seem to accommodate both worlds on this weekend. Sam doesn't show up in this episode and Ruth is a supporting character this time around. I really liked even though it wasn't the funniest or most dramatic episode.

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