Monday, December 31, 2018

Justice League 1.08


A face from Wonder Woman's past comes to man's world. She organizes a team of supervillains and proceeds to wreck havoc in a way that shock's her sister. In the end it falls on the women of the Justice League to save the day with a little bit of help from Queen Hippolyta of Themyscira, Diana's mother.

Part 1

Six supervillains infiltrate Gotham Tech. Only their leader, an amazon named Aresia, knows what they are there for. The other five (Copperhead, Solomon Grundy, Star Sapphire, Shade, Aresia, Tsukuri) follow their leaders orders. Batman arrives before they can make their getaway. He takes the other five down but Aresia proves to be too much for him. He manages to rip off her necklace while they are fighting and she accidentally leaves it behind.

Batman sends Hawkgirl to Themyscira to look for clues. She is quickly spotted by the Amazons. She tries evading them but she is captured and taken to Queen Hippolyta, Wonder Woman's mother. Hawkgirl shows her the necklace that Batman snagged and asks her what she knows. She tells Hawkgirl about Aresia and how she came to live on Themyscira.

Aresia wasn't originally an Amazon. She came from a war torn country. She fled her home with her mother. They were traveling on a ship when it was attacked, looted, and sunk by pirates. She alone survived and washed up on Themyscira. The Amazons adopted her and endowed her with Amazon powers.

The supervillains hit the gem depoistory. They make it in without incident. Aresia stays behind after the others leave. Superman shows up, she blows something on him that makes him sick. Wonder Woman shows up, recognizes Aresia, calls her by name. She wants to stop her but when she sees how badly Superman is ailing she lets her getaway.

Aresia puts her plan into motion. She releases a biological weapon that seems to only affect men. Green Lantern and Flash collapse as they return to the Watchtower. Batman and Hawkgirl return to Gotham just in time to see what has happened and that it is only affecting men.

Part 2

Batman helps Hawkgirl and Wonder Woman to save some people before he collapses himself. Star Sapphire shows up in Gotham and helps Wonder Woman and Hawkgirl to prevent a damaged helicopter from killing a crowd of people. She tells them what she knows about what Aresia is up to and then leads them to her.

Star Sapphire shows her true colors when they arrive at the air base where Aresia and Tsukuri are waiting for them. Star Sapphire changes sides and helps Aresia to take down the two female superheroes. Aresia has already captured Hippolyta, who came to the air base to try and talk some sense into her, and is holding her as a hostage.

Aresia, Tsukuri, and Star Sapphire take off on their mission of destruction. The plan is to drop a few missiles loaded with the same stuff that has already infected Gotham into the upper atmosphere. The missiles will explode and the jetstream will distribute the toxic gas around the world.

Wonder Woman and Hawkgirl have to stop the three supervillains from carrying out their plan. Wonder Woman catches up to and slows down the jet plane carrying the toxic missiles. She and Hawkgirl take on the super villains in what turns out to be a pretty brutal fight. Wonder Woman knocks Star Sapphire out of the fight and into the ocean.

Hippolyta frees herself and reveals what Aresia never knew, that her life was saved by a man. The captain of the ship she was on helped her get to Themyscira but died as soon as they arrived. The reveal changes nothing for Aresia. She knocks Hippolyta from the plane and continues to fight with Wonder Woman while Hawkgirl rescues Hippolyta. Tsukuri bails once she sees that the odds are not in their favor. Wonder Woman manages to disable the plane but it still crashes and burns in the ocean with Aresia aboard.

I may not be a scientist but I've got to believe that under normal circumstances that would not be the end of the problem. I'm also pretty sure that infecting and curing that many people would take a lot longer than it seems to in this story. It is also unclear what if anything the two robberies had to do with Aresia's plans. There isn't even a nominal explanation given.

This is a very action heavy story. There are some character moments but interestingly enough the character that gets the most attention isn't one of the heroes but Aresia.

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