Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Rick and Morty 3.03

Pickle Rick

Rick changes himself into a pickle to get out of going to family family therapy. Beth decides to leaves him at home, and not help him change back into a human. Rick winds up in the sewer, thanks to a cat and some rain. As a pickle he doesn't have any arms or legs but he manages to kill some roaches and then some rats and transform himself into one super deadly pickle.

Beth, Morty, and Summer go to see a therapist. They are supposed to be there to talk about Morty and Summer acting up in school. The therapist has other things she thinks they should talk about.

I had my doubts about this one going in. It was a lot of fun seeing how Rick transformed himself into a mobile pickle. Three episodes in and this season seems considerably bloodier than the first two. It isn't too much for me but I wouldn't mind it if they toned down the violence a bit.

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