Saturday, June 25, 2016

Teen Titans 1.10

Mad Mod

- with no explanation as to how they got there, other than a throwaway line about sleeping gas, the Teen Titans find themselves the prisoners of Mad Mod, a British villain who talks like he is running a school when what he seems to be trying to do is kill them; they spend most of the episode fighting for their lives until Robin finally figures out what needs to be done to stop Mad Mod
- Mad Mod's world was very trippy and MC Escher-esque
- Mad Mod's world also reminded me of murder world, Arcade's death dealing amusement park that the X-Men dealt with in Uncanny X-Men 123-124, 145-147
- I was really looking forward to watching this ones, it wasn't great but I think I enjoyed it more than I thought I would, mostly due to the trippy nature of some of the visuals
- Robin seems to be the main character in this one; we don't get to see  CYborg and Raven escape, they just meet up with Robin, Starfire, and Beast Boy, after Robin saves Starfire, and they rescue Beast Boy

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