Sunday, March 5, 2017

Azumanga Daioh 1.01

I've watched some, possibly most of this show before but it has probably been about 10 years since I last watched it. It is not a sit com but it is played for laughs. The show is based on a manga series of the same name which I have not read.

The focus of this episode is to introduce five characters. Accordingly each chapter spotlights a different character

1. Child High School Student

I'm not sue about the title for this one but the character who is spotlighted is Yukari Tanizaki, who isn't a student but a teacher. Her bicycle beaks down. She goes a little nuts (in a humorous way) imagining what the principal will say when she arrives late on the first day of the school year.

2. She's a Prodigy

Chiyo Mihama or Chiyo-chan is just 10 but has enrolled in high school. She's smart enough to keep up intellectually but she is emotionally just 10.

3. Scary Maybe?

Sakaki is much taller and more physically developed that the other girls in her class, most of whom are intimidated by her. Despite her appearance she isn't very aggressive.

4. Wildcat Tomo-chan

Tomo Takino is the tomboy of the class. She is constantly concerned about measuring herself and her accomplishments against those of her classmates.

5. The Osakan Girl

Ayuma Kasuga is from Osaka, which quickly becomes her nickname. She just wants to fit in but Tomo-chan and Tanizaki-san, her teacher, insist that she live up to their preconceived notions of how people from Osaka behave.

So far so good. The show lives up to my memories of it. It is light fare and with a few laughs. I love how wacky it can be at times like when the cat bites Sakaki's hand. It does it so calmly. I was expecting it to happen when she reached out to pet the cat but I expected something much more menacing in appearance.

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