Friday, April 28, 2017

Iron Fist 1.04

Eight Diagram Dragon Palm

Danny survives the fall from the building. There's no clear explanation as to how. He is found by Ward Meachum, who is the one who pushed him from the building. Harold shows up and talks Ward into letting Danny have back his rightful place at Rand Industries. He tells Danny about how he died and was resurrected by the Hand. He swears Danny to secrecy, he can't tell Joy that her father is still alive.

There were parts of this scene that I thought were pretty weak. I'm not impressed by Finn Jones (Danny Rand). Maybe if the show were written, directed, or produced better they could compensate for the lead actor.

Colleen fights again in the steel cage for money. This time she takes on two guys at once who are both much bigger than her. There's something about the way the steel cage matches are shot that make it very unconvincing to me. I think this may be one case where it is easier in a comic book to get away with having a character with a slight build beat up a larger, tougher looking character.

Joy and Danny get attacked by some Chinatown triad gangsters. Danny fights them off but then goes looking for their boss to find out why they were attacked. The answer he gets ties back to something that happened last episode when Joy talked a businessman into selling a pier to Rand. The Hand was behind that acquisition. The triad were not aware that the Hand was involved. The triad leader apologizes to Danny and quickly backs down when he finds out.

It isn't enough for Harold. Once he finds out about what happened he asks Madame Gao for permission to get retribution for what happened to his daughter. It seems like they are setting Harold up to be the big bad guy in this season. I hope that is not the case. I hope that the confrontation between Danny and Harold happens within the next couple episodes.

I was not impressed by this episode. It exhibited the same sort of problems that I saw in the previous one. The biggest problem is probably the lead actor. I don't find the story to be very compelling or cohesive. Hopefully it will get better in the next nine episodes.

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