Sunday, October 2, 2016

Rick and Morty 2.01

A Rickle in Time

- picks up right where the previous season ended with everyone frozen in time except Rick, Morty, and Summer; after they clean up the mess from the party, Rick restarts the time stream
- something is wrong and according to Rick it all has to do with uncertainty; because Morty and Summer are uncertain about things the universe has split in two; then later into four; Rick can't seem to set things straight so he starts making them worse, on purpose or so it seems
- a split screen effect is used to illustrate that the universe is split in two, then four, eight, sixteen, thirty-two, and finally sixty-four
- the resolution of the problem involves a visit from some alien who chides them for messing with the nature of the universe (or something like that);
- the B plot is all about Jerry and Beth trying to save the life of a deer that Jerry hit when they were driving home after getting ice cream

- a fun episode, makes me glad I decided to watch more of this show; by no means my favorite; some of the scientific stuff went right over my head, in one ear and out the other

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