Saturday, October 15, 2016

Samurai Jack 2.09

XXII: Jack and the Hunters

- Aku engages (hires doesn't seem like the right word here since they won't accept pay) a foursome of hunters from a distant planet to hunt and capture Jack for him; the hunters are called Imakandi in the episode but in the credits they are just referred to as aliens; their leader, the only one who speaks is named Lionor in the credits
- the first third of the episode is given to a demonstration of the hunters' prowess as they stalk a hapless group of grazing creatures on what is presumably their home planet
- after they accept Aku's challenge to capture Jack they travel to earth by mystical means and land in a big city; the rest of the episode focuses on their attempt to capture Jack; they track him throughout the city; the climax of the hunt is a sequence that takes at the very top of the city; in the end the hunters are successful but then refuse to turn Jack over to Aku
- so many things to love about this episode; much of it is wordless and visual; there is little that is played for laughs; the elevator chase scene was great; the scene at the top of the city made me think of Cloud City in Empire Strikes Back even though is didn't really resemble it all that much; the arrow that became a snake made me think of Conan the Barbarian movie
- definitely a superior episode and worth watching if one is just skimming through and not watching every episode of the show; one of the more intelligently devised episodes

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