Sunday, July 1, 2018

GLOW 2.01

Viking Funeral

Pre-production starts for the first season of GLOW. Sam is feeling the pressure although he doesn't frame it like that. Ruth has ideas but Sam doesn't want to hear them. Sam oversees the construction of the set while Ruth take the ladies to the mall. They take a camera man with them and he shoot lots of footage of them goofing off at the mall. They edit it all together into a montage and show it to Sam, who loses his cool after seeing what they produced.

Sam is convinced, or at least that's my read of the situation, that Ruth is after his job or at the very least seeking to steal credit from him. Ruth seems happy enough to be the one behind the scenes actually directing things. She isn't the he one has to worry about. Debbie is the one who really wants control of the show. She goes around Sam and talks to Glen, the executive from the local TV station that is going to air GLOW.

Debbie gets some help from Mark, her estranged husband. While the others are signing away all their rights she talks Glen into letting her sign a different contract which makes her a producer on the show. That's the note that the episode ends on: Sam having to deal with Debbie and Ruth feeling rejected.

There are other moments in the show that will probably produce some future plot points.
  • Justine (the daughter that Sam didn't know he had until the end of season 1) has left GLOW and is now living with him
  • Cherry left and has been replaced by Yolanda, a stripper who got the job after she gave Sam a lap dance
  • Reggie, the viking, gets fired by Sam after she stands up to him; she was defending Ruth who wasn't about to do the same

Sam is a real dick in this episode. I can't think of a better way to describe it. My guess is that the real women of GLOW got little to nothing for their work. I hope that this show spins it a little differently. Sam definitely deserves some comeuppance after the way he behaved toward all the women, especially Ruth and Reggie, in this episode.

This wasn't a great episode but I thought it was a very good opening to the second season. I'm eager to see how things develop from here.

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