Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Arrow 2.01

City of Heroes

- Ollie returns from the island for a second time; this time he was there by choice

Arrow does quite a bit
- defeats a gang of hood who are angry about the effects of the earthquake
- avoids a hostile takeover by Isabel Rochev
- goes to see his mother in prison
- saves his sister from the gang of hoods
- visits Tommy's grave
- rescues Felicity twice (once on the island; once at Queen Consolidated)

- towards the end of the episode Roy gets saved by a woman who looks like Black Canary
- overall I was pleasantly surprised
- the moment at the end where Thea visits her mother in prison got me a bit choke up
- still no chemistry between Ollie and Laurel
- more flashbacks to the island with Slade and Shado

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