Saturday, May 20, 2017

UnREAL 2.04


Rachel finds out what is up with Darius. He had back problems before Brandi attacked him in the last episode and before the season began. He has been hiding it from everyone including the team for which he plays. Rachel sneaks in his doctor who tells Darius that he needs to get surgery right away. Romeo, Darius' manager, talks him into listening to the doctor and gives Rachel one more day with Darius.

Quinn finds out that her father has died. Rachel tries talking to her but Quinn isn't listening. Rachel stabbed her in the back.

Darius was supposed to take part in a football game with the ladies. Rachel reworks it so that Darius will be commenting from the sidelines with Tiffany. Darius is getting along just fine with Tiffany when London, one of the ladies, who is more than just a little tipsy, talks him into joining them on the field. There is a reporter from Entertainment Weekly on the set so Darius joins the contestants. London tackles him before they start playing which just makes his back that much worse.

London was pushed to do what she did by Chet. He and Quinn picked up on the fact that Darius was nursing some sort of injury. Their plan to drum up some publicity was to get him injured and then taken to the hospital. At first it looks like everything is going their way but then Rachel offers Darius another alternative. Against the advice of Romeo he goes with Rachel's plan and is given an epidural by a physician that Coleman called in. Romeo goes ballistic when he finds out. He gets into an argument with Darius who fires him on the spot.

Quinn and Chet aren't exactly pleased with Darius' miraculous recovery. Chet, who has had his baby with him on the set for the entire day, tries talking Quinn into getting back with him. She looks very skeptical. Chet looks like he has put on a little weight since the last episode. He doesn't look overweight, he just doesn't look as thin in the face as he did before. Before Chet's talk can get very far a couple police cars show up. Apparently Chet took his son from his ex-wife without permission. He gets arrested and hauled away in handcuffs.

Ruby visits Darius later than evening. He is nervous about letting down his guard. There's no camera crew with her but there are cameras everywhere on the set. He seems to have forgot that fact. They start by talking but it isn't long before they start making out. They think they are alone but there is a camera crew filming the whole encounter.

Throughout the episode Yael, Hot Rachel, has been cozying up to Jeremy. He has looked not quite as fit and trim as he did in the previous season. I don't think that has anything to do with why he is receptive to her advances. I thought it was a bit strange that she would show an interest in him, but not because of his appearance. After watching the entire episode, I think she is up to something. I don't know if Rachel knows what she is up to but I think she is doing it to try and win points with Rachel. The last thing she does in this episode, before joining Jeremy in his trailer, is to swipe his keys when he isn't looking.

Rachel and Coleman share a drink and a kiss on the hood of his car in the final scene.

I continue to enjoy watching this series. I have yet to grow tired of it even though there was a lot of setup in this episode but not a lot of delivery. I expect that there will be some payoff in the next one.

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