Monday, January 16, 2017

Star Wars: Clone Wars 3.03

Supply Lines

Senators Bail Organa and Jar Jar Binks are sent on a diplomatic mission to Toydaria. They are there to negotiate a deal which will allow the Alliance to use Toydaria as a staging area for a relief mission to Ryloth which is currently under attack by the Separatists.

Jar Jar Binks. Sigh.

Yes, this was not one of my favorite episodes. It wasn't awful. It wasn't a save the cute aliens story but it also didn't really move me. I didn't get emotionally invested in it on any level.

It is worth noting that this episode is the precursor to the pilot episode. That may sound weird but this show tends to jump around in time quite a bit.

Unlike in the movies, where he was played by Jimmy Smits, Bail Organa was voiced by Phil LaMarr. He sounded very much like Samurai Jack, another character that Phil LaMarr plays, and very unlike Jimmy Smits.

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