Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Teen Titans 2.03


The Titans meet a potential new team member, Terra. She has the telekinetic ability to move rocks and earth but her control over her powers is a bit shaky. She has been on the run for a while, probably because she is still learning to control her powers. The Titans invite Terra to come back to the tower with them. Cyborg, Starfire, and Beast Boy are very eager to welcome their potential new team member. Robin and Raven are suspicious but don't share their concerns with the others. Skulking in the shadows, observing Terra's first encounter with the Titans, is Slade.

Terra spends the night at Titans Tower. The next day the Titans get a call for help. They head to a mine where they encounter a bunch of Slade's robots. Terra almost kills Beast Boy when she loses control of her powers but he survives without injury. She runs away, distressed by her lack of control and encounters Slade. She tries to take him down but he isn't that easy to beat. He tells her that he wants to be her mentor and that the Titans aren't really her friends. She goes nuts again. Debris starts flying everywhere. She almost brings the mine down on everyone but Beast Boy talks her down. Slade has vanished by this point.

The Titans return to Titans Tower. They offer her membership in the team but she ends up running off because she thinks that Beast Boy has betrayed her trust in him. The episode ends with Beast Boy glumly skipping stones across the water by himself.

I know that Terra's story is one that comes from the original run of New Teen Titans. I've read some but not all of the issues in which she appears. I know that eventually (in the comic books) it is revealed that she is working for Deathstroke (aka Slade Wilson). I don't recall at what point clues being to be dropped that this is the case. Terra's mental instability is also a plot point in the comic books.

This is possibly the best episode of the season and the series to date but it is also a dark episode. I can't remember any other that has ended on such a down note. Slade is downright creepy. It gave me chills just watching the scenes where he tries sweet talking Terra. Powerful stuff.

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