Saturday, August 25, 2018

Justice League 1.05

Paradise Lost

Part One

Wonder Woman returns to Paradise Island to visit Queen Hippolyta, her mother, only to discover that her mother and all the other Amazons have been turned to stone. Wonder Woman agrees to find three relics for Felix Faust, the villain who turned her mother and fellow Amazons to stone. She does not ask for help from the League. She finds the first relic in a museum. A giant statue comes to life when she tries to take the relic. It tries to kill her. Superman shows up, after the fight is over and the statue has been destroyed. Wonder Woman wants to continue on her quest solo but Superman insists on calling in the others.

Superman, Wonder Woman, J'onn J'onzz, and Flash meets on a rooftop. They break up into two teams. Flash and J'onn fly to what looks like a pyramid in the Yucatan. Flash finds the second relic fairly quickly but then they get attacked by a giant snake. Wonder Woman and Superman find the third relic in a shopping mall. It is late at night. The mall is empty. Superman uses his x-ray vision to find the ancient item. An explosion occurs after they dig it out of the ground below the mall. It causes them to see one another as monsters. They fight briefly. Superman is the first one to figure out what happened when he sees Wonder Woman's reflection in a pool. The fight continues until Superman gets her to see his reflection in a changing room mirror.

Batman makes a couple quick appearances. He contacts Diana when she is leaving Paradise Island. He tracks the Javelin jet she is in after she insists on going it alone. Later he pays a visit to Professor Erlich who presumably has some information about Felix Faust.

Part 2

Wonder Woman explains to the others what is going on. The relics they found are parts of a key that will open the gate to Tartarus. Hades, a Greek god, who was once Hippolyta's lover, is imprisoned in Tartarus. He was sent there after he betrayed his brothers and sisters and sided with the Titans. Superman expresses grave doubts about handing over the key to Felix Faust but Wonder Woman insists on doing so. Batman joins the others and shows them what he has learned about Faust.

The five heroes travel to Paradise Island. Wonder Woman gives Faust the key. A fight breaks out between the heroes and Faust. They seem to have the upper hand but before they can capture him he disappears with the key and Hippolyta. Wonder Woman leads them below Paradise Island to the gate to Tartarus. They arrive just in time to see Faust use the key to free Hades. The League fights with Hades. He is too strong for them. First he fights them himself and then he attacks them with an army of undead warriors.

Faust joins the fight, attacking his former lord and master, after Hades lets him down. Wonder Woman turns the tide decisively when she uses the key to reverse what Faust earlier did. Hades is sucked back through the gate to Tartarus. He tries to take the others with him but returns alone to his prison.

Queen Hippolyta rewards the four heroes that her daughter brought with her to Paradise Island but Diana is banished from Paradise Island for bringing men to their sacred home. Wonder Woman accepts her punishment and the League leaves as Hippolyta grieves for banishing her daughter.


Not my favorite episode by a long shot but I like the overall arc of it.

I didn't care for the opening sequence where Superman and Wonder Woman are rescuing civilians. It lacked punch and didn't add anything to the episode.

I thought it was a little strange that Wonder Woman didn't raise any objections to allowing the male members of the Justice League set foot on Paradise Island.

This episode clearly illustrates the League's vulnerability to magic based attacks and their need for one skilled in this area.

Green Lantern and Hawkgirl do not appear in this episode.

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