Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Captain Harlock (1978) 1.33

A Lone Man's Charge

The Mazone fleet gets closer to Earth. It destroys all signs of humanity (spaceships, space stations, satellites) along the way. Captain Harlock and the crew of the Arcadia continue to look for Mayu, without success. Commander Kirute becomes convinced that the Mazone are real and that they are headed to Earth. He tries talking some sense into the Prime Minister but the PM is more interested in other things.

Commander Otawara, an old comrade of Kiruta, leaves Earth to battle the Mazone by himself. Otawara was kicked out of the military because he killed his wife. He was convinced she was a Mazone but no one believed him. The Arcadia hails Otawara as he is passing by. He gets a last chance to talk to an old friend, Masu Tsunajima, the cook on the Arcadia.


This episode felt sparse when it came to plot. It didn't fill in back story. Commander Kiruta was the main character, more or less. Captain Harlock and his crew were in it but they were bit players compared to Kiruta. This wasn't a bad episode. It was an interlude.

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