Sunday, May 26, 2019

Grant Morrison: Talking with Gods (2010)

Starring Grant Morrison
Directed by Patrick Meaney

I'm not a fan of Grant Morrison. I've only read one complete work of his, All-Star Superman. I didn't hate it or love it. It was okay. It had moments that I liked but on the whole I didn't feel as if I had just read something groundbreaking or amazing. I am kind of interested in trying some of his other comic books (Animal Man, JLA, Multiversity) but I don't feel a strong urge to do so.

I watched this move is the hopes that it would open my eyes in some ways or give me a greater interest in reading some of his comics. It did not. There is a lot of Grant Morrison in this movie. By that I mean that there is a lot of Grant Morrison talking to the camera and whomever was interviewing him.

The movie didn't really move my opinion of Morrison. He has always seemed a bit out there and not in a way that appeals to me. I wouldn't recommend this movie to most people. I'm not sure I would even recommend it to most comic books fans. It wasn't bad but it didn't really do much for me.

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