Monday, October 24, 2022

Doctor Who (1963) 15.02.04

The Invisible Enemy - Part Four

The virus loses its effect on the Doctor and he is healed. Leela disguises herself as a nurse and helps the Doctor to escape. Lowe and the others who have been infected help the Nucleus to escape and take it to Titan Station.

The Doctor, Leela, and K-9 stay at the Bi-Al Foundation long enough to cure Professor Marius with antibodies from Leela's blood. Leela changes back into her traditional clothes. The professor mass produces the antibodies and gives them to the Doctor. The Doctor, Leela, and K-9 take the antibodies and return to Titan Station.

Leela suggests that they should blow up the station but the Doctor prefers to use a gentler touch. It isn't until his plan fails that he decides to follow Leela's advice. The Doctor, Leela, and K-9 return to the Bi-Al Foundation. Professor Marius suggests that the Doctor and Leela should take K-9 with them so they leave.


The most important element of this story is of course the introduction of K-9.

This was fun to watch but it wasn't great or even really good. It has it's moments but Professor Marius is the only character (aside from the Doctor, Leela, and K-9) who adds anything meaningful to the story. The others were either very quiet or kind of boringly automaton-like.

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