Sunday, March 17, 2019

Orange Is the New Black 2.10

Little Mustachioed Sh*t

Piper returns from furlough. Red is waiting for her when she gets back to her bunk. She lies to Red about her shop. She tells Red that it is doing fine. She also tells her about her sexual encounter with Larry and what she knows and doesn't know about what Larry's been up to since she's been in Litchfield.

Chapman and Vause get the backstory spotlight, which focuses on their first time together and the early stage of their relationship. Alex was already in a relationship with another woman, whom she ends up dumping for Piper. The other woman doesn't take it lying down. She attacks Piper physically and then later puts a flaming bag of poop on her doorstep.

Vee and her girls seem to be riding high. They are brought down a notch when Watson is found to have stashed cigarettes in her bunk, during a surprise inspection. Watson gets carted off to the SHU. Poussey was giving Taystee a hard time about dealing hard drugs just before the inspection. She becomes a target for Vee after things settle back down. Vee likes using the library as a distribution point. Poussey doesn't want to deal the stuff that Vee is starting to introduce to Litchfield.

Caputo goes to Figueroa with the information that Bennett gave him about Mendez and Dayanara. Figueroa is irritated about the prison newsletter that Chapman started. She agrees with Caputo that Mendez needs to go and will need to be arrested for his actions. It is interesting how they frame it now. They knew Mendez had sex with Dayanara but they only suspended him. He should have been arrested then.

There is an interesting parallel between Figueroa's and Caputo's decision and Bennett's situation. He is trying to weasel his way out of admitting that he is the father of Dayanara's unborn child. She even suggests to him that she would be happier if he would just own up to the fact that he is the father and that he loves her. Instead what you have is Mendez publicly declaring his love for Dayanara. It does not make Bennett look good. He should have owned up to it before even if it meant going to prison.

Morello gets a visit from Christopher. She's happy to see him at first but that changes pretty quickly. He knows what she did in 2.04 (A Whole Other Hole). He tried to tell the police but they didn't believe him. He ends up being escorted out of the visiting room after he threatens to kill her if she pulls a stunt like that again. I thought the repercussions of her actions in that episode might be more dire than this but I also didn't expect this kind of confrontation. Either way, Morello is very distraught and shares her secret with Nickels who consoles her.

Polly visits Piper. This happens after Piper leaves Larry a voice mail asking him whom it was that he had sex. Polly acts very guilty and claims she doesn't know who it was. Piper is able to read between the lines and can tell that it must be Polly. Later in the episode she calls her new sister-in-law and gets her to leave a flaming bag of poop on Polly's door step. I loved Polly's reaction.

Healey goes to see his therapist again. It goes about as well as it did the last time which is to say not very well at all. He tries to start a therapy group at Litchfield. Doggett encourages him to offer some sort of enticement to the prisoners to join the group. He doesn't think that's necessary but she is proved correct when Healey and Doggett are the only ones who show up for the first meeting of the group.

Vee digs around in the greenhouse. She finds the tunnel. Red shows up. Vee suggests a partnership. Red knows better. Red knows how Vee operates. She trusted her once, as seen in the previous episode, and she knows where that got her.

Andrew Nance, the journalist, visits Chapman again. He appreciates the information she gave him but he needs more, including hard evidence. She's skeptical that she can provide that without getting into even more trouble. He runs into Figueroa as he is leaving. He interviewed her before. She wants to know who he was there to see. She smells trouble. He balks but ultimately tells her that it was Chapman.

Poussey gets drunk on her hooch and tries attacking Vee. She's sick of the way things have changed since Vee arrived in Litchfield. Suzanne jumps in and plays the role of enforcer. She beats up Poussey but she backs off when Vee gives her the sign. Black Cindy watches the whole encounter occur. She seem disturbed by what she sees but she doesn't say anything.

Murphy sees Nickels stash away a small packet (the heroin Taystee gave her) just before the surprise inspection. She follows her around and confronts her over what it is in the packet. Nickels won't budge but Murphy is creeping her out. She finally gets a moment alone and is about to snort it but she has a moment of clarity and doesn't. She goes to Red, gives her the packet, and confesses what she almost did. Red might have been disappointed in her under different circumstances but now she sees an opportunity when she learns that it came from Vee.

The episode ends with Mendez getting hauled away in handcuffs. He seems proudly defiant. The press are there. Figueroa gives a statement and answers questions.

This one had a lot of great moments. I like how things continue to develop.

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