Friday, March 22, 2019

Justice League 1.11


Part One

Simon Stagg's company is in the oil business but it also isn't in great shape. He finds out that Sapphire, his adult daughter, is dating Rex Mason, one his employees. Stagg decides to kill two birds with one stone. He performs an experiment on Mason which transforms him into a freak of nature.

Green Lantern is an old friend of Mason. They served in the Marines together. Green Lantern doesn't know that Simon showed Rex pictures of he and Sapphire in a compromising position. There's nothing to the pictures but Mason doesn't know that and, with a little egging on from Simon Stagg, he assumes the worst. He goes after Green Lantern with murder in his eyes.

This is a very League light episode. Batman plays a small part. Superman and Martian Manhunter show up very briefly. Flash and Wonder Woman are no where to be found. Hawkgirl helps Green Lantern to apprehend some bank robbers while they are looking for Mason.

The animation looked off in this episode. The storytelling felt very rushed. I love the character of Metamorpho. I know I've watched this one before but it has been a long time and I don't recall anything about it.

Part Two

Metamorpho battles with Green Lantern and almost kills him. Superman, Hawkgirl, and Martian Manhunter show up at the last minute and lend a hand. Metamorpho turns part of his body into kryptonite but that has no effect on the other two. The fight ends after Metamorpho sinks into the ground leaving the heroes wondering what happened to him.

Metamorpho goes to see Sapphire. She breaks the news to him that the pictures aren't what they look like. Rex realizes that Simon misled him. He heads back to Stagg Industries and locates her father. A fight breaks out. Simon was in the middle of creating another batch of the formula used to transform Rex into Metamorpho. Simon is doused in the chemicals which assume the shape of a giant green monster. Simon goes into a coma but the beast has some of his memories. It heads downtown in search of Sapphire.

Batman and Green Lantern find Metamorpho amid the rubble in the laboratory. He tells them what happened. They don't believe him at first until they get word from their teammates that there's a giant monster wrecking havoc downtown. Green Lantern and Metamorpho head out to help Superman, Hawkgirl, and Martian Manhunter. Batman stays behind to try and figure out how to neutralize the monster.

The fight rages on. The monster grabs Sapphire and heads to the top of the tallest building in town. Batman figures out how to stop the monster but only Metamorpho can get the job done. He changes the chemical composition of his body and launches himself at the monster. It works but both monster and Metamorpho are destroyed in the process. Simon Stagg dies in the hospital.

Metamorpho miraculously returns.


This is not my favorite Justice League story by a long shot. It is a little too by the numbers. Green Lantern and Hawkgirl do share some nice moments in both parts of the story. I was surprised at how quickly Metamorpho mastered his new powers but maybe I should not have been. This is a cartoon after all. I think this is the episode where it is first mentioned that Green Lantern served in the Marine Corps.

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