Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Atypical 4.08

Magical Bird #2

Casey is in a funk. She hasn't recovered from freezing up during the track meet. She decides that she doesn't want to run anymore. Throughout the episode she talks to the camera about a story she made up when she was younger, about a woman, a runner named Mighty Mo.

Sam asks Casey to teach him to drive. She agrees. Sam almost runs over a dog. Casey recognizes the dog, it belongs to Evan and Beth. Sam gets the dog to come with them and they drive over to return the dog.


There's a lot that goes on in this episode. I'm not going to try to describe even half of it.

From the opening scene this episode felt different. Episodes usually open with Sam talking to the camera. This one started with Casey talking to the camera. There was a lot of narration by Casey in this episode. It worked. It turned the show sideways and was a nice change of pace.

I like this episode a lot. It was hard to see where exactly it was going. I like that. There was one scene that didn't work for me. It didn't feel authentic enough. On the whole there's a lot that works here, enough for me to overlook one scene.

My guess is that the last two episodes in this season will be mostly focused on Sam.

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