Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Samurai Jack 5.04


Jack survives the fall. He lands in a snow bank. Ashi, one of the Daughters of Aku also survives. She isn't ready to give up the fight, regardless of what he says. She believes that Aku is great and good and that Jack is the evil one. Jack restrains her but then a great beast comes along and swallows them both.

Ashi's arms are tied to her side but she continues to fight Jack as they make their way through the great beast. He saves her life on multiple occasions. Eventually they make their way out of he beast, through a blow hole. They were on land when they were swallowed but now they are at sea.

They find a small island. Jack takes a moment to relax. He turns his back on Ashi. She is ready to kill him when she has a change of heart.


This show is getting better. I like it more but it is still significantly different from the first five seasons. The highlight in this episode is the voyage through the beast. It probably takes up 2/3 of the episode.

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