Coup de froid
or Cold Spell
Nov 11, 1940
Gustave is working on his letter to Marshall Pétain when Suzanne Richard arrives at the house. Marcel tells his son that his handwriting is too messy and that he needs to recopy the letter. Gustave doesn't have any more pages in his notebook so he uses a loose piece of paper. Neither Gustave, nor Marcel, nor Suzanne notices it but the piece of paper on which he recopies his letter one of the fliers which Suzanne and Marcel are planning to put in the newspapers.
Marcel and Suzanne run into a setback. They are trying to insert the fliers into the newspapers which are already tied into bundles but the bundles are too tight and they can't get them in every paper. They need to cut the bundles apart in order to get the fliers into the papers. They get string from the sawmill to retie the bundles. They don't notice it but Raymond sees them. He was sleeping there with Marie Germain.
The principal of the school invites a couple German soldiers to witness the reading of the letters to the Marshall. At least one the soldiers speaks French. The principal has also invited the school official who reprimanded Lucienne.
The morning papers get delivered. Marchetti opens one of them and finds one of the fliers. He takes it to the sub-prefect and the mayor. Marchetti is more than ready to investigate and figure out who did it. The sub-prefect puts him in charge of the investigation. Suzanne Richard is the first suspect. She was seen arriving late to work at the post office.
One of Marcel's communist comrades questions him about the flier. It is from him that Marcel learns that Suzanne is under suspicion. He tries to go see her but she has already been picked up by the police before he can get to her.
Raymond confronts Jeannine over a letter she wrote to her father. They end up reconciling, in bed.
Marchetti interrogates Suzanne but she tells him nothing. He locks her up and then interrogatees her boss at the post office from whom he learns that Suzanne was lying and that she knows Marcel Larcher. Marcheti still doesn't have proof that it was her who placed the fliers in the paper.
Gustave reads his letter in front of the class. Lucienne, his teacher, and the German soldier in the classroom sees what it written on the back side. The German soldier takes it from Gustave before the administrator can see it. He tosses it in a lit stove that is in the classroom.
Marchetti goes to see Raymond Schwartz. He asks him if he has noticed anything out of the ordinary about Marcel's actions lately. Raymond tells him that he has not. He doesn't mention the theft of the string. Raymond goes to the saw mill once Marchetti has left and tells Marcel about his talk with Marchetti.
Marcel heads to the school. He takes Gustave out of school and takes him to Daniel. He tells Gustave he is going away and that he will have to stay with his uncle. Marcel goes home and packs things up but the police get there before he can get away. He is taken to the police station. He keeps quiet at first but then he claims that Suzanne had nothing to do with the fliers. They were having an affair.
The episode ends with Daniel and Hortense Larcher, their nephew Gustave, and Marchetti eating dinner. Daniel tries to keep Marchetti from talking about Marcel but Marchetti insists. Marchetti asks Daniel if he would prefer if he finds another place to live. Daniel says, "Of course, not."
There's a lot going on here. I wasn't surprised that Suzanne's plan didn't work out. I'm also not surprised that Marcel took the fall for it. I was kind of expecting something like that to happen.
My heart sank as soon as I saw what Gustave had written his letter to the Marshall on. I was dreading the moment when it would be found out. I wasn't expecting the German soldier to come to the rescue. His motives are unclear at this point.
I was a little surprised that Raymond Schwartz lied to Marchetti. It makes sense on one level. He doesn't want anyone to have anything on him but it seems like he is taking a big chance lying to Marchetti. If he had told Marchetti about what he saw then he would have to explain why he was at the saw mill early in the morning. He's smart enough to know that.
There was a lot of tension in this episode and there was still tension when it ended. At one point I actually yelled out loud because it was getting to me.
This was a very good season. I look forward to watching the next one, which is also 6 episodes long, but I think I will take a break right here.
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