Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Doctor Who (1963) 11.05.03

Planet of the Spiders - Part Three

Lupton and the spider teleport back to the meditation center. The Doctor, Sarah Jane Smith, and Mike Yates come looking for Lupton. The blue crystal is stolen by Tommy who thinks it is very pretty. Tommy tries to show the blue crystal to Sarah Jane but she is too busy to listen. He also tries to show it to the Doctor, who similarly is too focused on finding Lupton and Sarah Jane to listen.

Lupton and the spider are mystically transported to Metebelis III. Sarah Jane steps on the mandala and is also transported to Metebelis III. Sarah is captured by Tuar, a human who thinks she is a spy. Tuar's family disagrees. They hide her when the queen of the spiders shows up.

The Doctor gets in the TARDIS and travels to Metebelis III. he arrives just as Sarah Jane is about to be taken prisoner by the spider queen's guards. The Doctor fights with the guards but is struck down by one of guards with an electrical blast of energy.


The Brigadier is not in this episode and Nicholas Courtney is not on the commentary track for this episode. The story finally moves to Metebelis III (the Planet of the Spiders) in the second half of the episode.

Lupton and Sarah Jane seem to get more screen time than the Doctor in this installment. The actor playing Lupton is doing a great job making something out of a role that could be nothing.

There are a number of moments, as noted in the commentary track, where people do stupid things that if avoided could have made this story much shorter. No complaints from me. I'm still enjoying this one and think it compares quite favorably to the other stories from this season.

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