Monday, February 19, 2024

Broadchurch 1.05

Episode Five

The press starts to focus on Jack Marshall. He finally explains why it was that he spent a year in prison. He was a 39-year-old piano teacher. He had sex with a 15-year-old girl. It was her father that blew the whistle on the affair. Jack and the girl got married when he got out of prison. They had a son but he was killed in a car accident. Jack's wife left him after that.

Beth and Mark talk about why he had an affair with Becca Fisher. Beth finally tells Mark that she is pregnant.

Oliver and Karen write a story about Jack Marshall. They get testimony from Chloe's boyfriend, who was part of the Sea Brigade. Their story gets rewritten by the newspaper to make Jack Marshall look really bad. Oliver and Karen spend the night together. The next morning they find out about the rewritten story. It brings even more pressure on Jack Marshall.

Nige starts to organize a mob to attack Jack Marshall but before he does he goes to see Susan Wright, the cleaning lady. He tries to give her money to get out of town. She rejects his offer and tells him to beat it. Nige and the mob are stopped by Mark Latimer. They come back later that night and vandalize Jack's car and some of his belongings that are outside his home.

Oliver doscovers that his father's boat is missing. He was planning to take Karen out in it. Ollie suspects that (and later it is more or less proven that) it is the boat that was lit on fire. 

Becca Fisher gets a visit from Beth who wrecks some havoc in the pub in Becca's hotel.  Becca later flirts with Alec. He assumes she's coming on to him but she backs off. 

The story of Jack Marshall's past is the front page stories in the newspaper the next day. He is the first to see it, before the sun comes up. His body is found on the beach that morning, at the bottom of one of the cliffs.


I'm starting to wonder if Susan Wright might be somehow related to Jack Marshall. If she wasn't his wife then maybe his wife's sister or cousin.

I'm not sure what Nige's story is. He might just be an agitated twentysomething but I also wonder what is up with the crossbow in his van.

Oliver is revealed to be Ellie's nephew in this episode. I don't think that had come up before.

Mark finds out about Chloe's boyfriend when he sees them kissing on the beach. He doesn't interfere then but he does question her about her boyfriend later when they are both at home. She throw Becca's Fisher's name back at him.

I stand by what I wrote before, this show is fairly surface level. If I try to think about it too much it doesn't make sense. I think I'm going to stick with this series for now and try to finish off the first season. There are only three more episodes left.

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