Friday, February 2, 2024

Better Call Saul 4.08


Jimmy takes a bus east to Coushatta, Louisiana, Huell's hometown. There and along the way he gets people to write letters to the judge. The letters all talk about how great a person Huell is and beg the judge not to throw the book at him.

Nacho is in charge of the Salamanca operation in Albuquerque. He's the enforcer and deals harshly with those who don't day their debts.

Mike takes the men working on the space under the laundry out to a strip club. They have fun but Kai gets in trouble. He tries to get hands on with one of the dancers. Werner, the foreman, causes a different kind of trouble. While Mike is dealing with Kai, Wener starts talking about the project, without getting too specific, to a couple of locals.

Kim's plan works. The judge doesn't want the kind of attention he seems to be getting from the people of Coushatta. Once Huell has been released with just probation and time served Kim gets very hot for Jimmy and starts thinking about what if they ran some more scams.

Mike tells Gus about everything that happened at the strip club and the accident on the job site. Gus is concerned but accepts that Mike has the situation in hand.

Nacho comes into the restaurant from which Hector usually operates and discovers that there's a new cook.


Nacho is back but Howard is not. The film crew is back for the first time this season. They help Jimmy with the scam to help Huell get off easy.

Things seem to be back on between Jimmy and Kim but for how long. I think this is the prelude to things turning worse for them. What will happen? I've got thoughts. I could see Kim getting arrested or worse.

What's going to happen to Nacho. He is not having a good time. What is up with his father? He has one of his father's identity cards. Why? Is his father dead? Is it a card he got for his father and is planning to give him?

How much longer until the German engineers pooch the operation? Will Gus have them all killed when the work is done? Will they die in a construction accident?

This was a decent but not great episode. It was a little too flashy, in the Jimmy and Kim plot thread, for me. It went off without a hitch. I think that's what irks me.

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