Sunday, February 4, 2024

Gravity (2013)

Gravity (2013)

starring Sandra Bullock, George Clooney
directed by Alfonso Cuarón

91 minutes

Scientist and rookie astronaut Dr. Ryan Stone (Sandra Bullock) and veteran astronaut Lt. Matt Kowalski (George Clooney) are the only survivors of an accident that totals the US Space Shuttle while it is in orbit repairing the Hubble Telescope. Their oxygen is running out. They make an attempt to get to the International Space Station with some success but that proves to be also damaged to the point of not being able to provide the help they need. Dr. Stone is forced to go on alone after Lt. Kowalski sacrifices himself to provide her with a chance to survive.


I don't know how to go into more detail without giving considerably more away.

This is more or less a two-person show. There are some other voices in the movie but for the most part it is just Bullock and Clooney.

There are a number of technical inaccuracies, as I understand it, but the movie still got a lot of praise from some but not all former astronauts.

This was an intense ride. I watched it at home on Netflix. I kind of wish I had seen it in the theater when it first came out. I know that one of the two main characters wasn't going to make it but I didn't remember who that was.

Is it perfect? No, there are some little things that don't make sense to me. How is that the Americans are the only ones to get caught with their pants down? This isn't really explained but then the movie isn't so much about how things went wrong as it is about how to make the best of a bad situation.

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