Friday, February 16, 2024

Better Call Saul 4.10


The episode opened with the day that Jimmy finally became a lawyer. Chuck stood next to him and vouched for him. That evening there was a party for Jimmy. He sings karaoke with Chuck, although it takes him some effort to talk Chuck into sticking around and singing with him.

In the present Mike is looking for Werner. He has a number of guys working with him but it is Mike that makes most of the discoveries that leads to Werner. Lalo catches on that something is going on. He follows Mike. Mike eventually gets wise to the fact that someone is following him and loses him in a parking lot by jamming the ticket machine as he leaves.

Jimmy and Kim work to get Jimmy reinstated. Jimmy donates money to establish a reading room at a local law school. He serves on the board of the charity that Chuck's will set up. He pulls all the strings that he and Kim can think of.

Mike eventually catches up to Werner. Lalo has reached Werner on the phone, pretending to be one of Gus's men. Werner believes him and is still talking to him when Mike finds him. Mike has ideas about how to handle Werner but Gus doesn't want to do it Mike's way. Mike agrees to do it Gus's way. He takes him out into the desert and kills him.

Jimmy gets his chance for an appeal in front of a panel of judges or lawyers. He opens by reading the letter Chuck left him but he stops in the middle or reading it and starts adlibbing. He gets everyone, including Kim, very moved. The panel votes to reinstate him. Kim is shocked by how and how quickly Jimmy changes after the meeting. The episode and the season end with Jimmy telling Kim, "it's all good man", as he walks off to fill out the forms necessary to move the process forward. Kim is left standing there, still stunned.


Nacho is not in this episode. Gus and Howard both appear briefly, but not together.

Winner or Werner? It occurs to me now how close those two words are in the way they sound.

There are a couple moments that I omitted from my summary above. One of them involves Gail. I don't understand what purpose Gail's appearance in this episode served. It was just his second appearance in this season and the show. It didn't add anything to the episode in my opinion.

There are a couple of scenes that take place at a business where Werner picked up some money. Mike is in the first one and Lalo is in the second one. The second one involves a jump that strains the reality of the show.

How stupid was Werner. Granted, he didn't know he was in a TV show but to go back on your word like that is a serious breach. I didn't think that Mike would be the one to kill him but I figured his days were numbered. What happens to the other workers now? Will Gus have them all killed?

What will Kim do now? Will she willfully stick with Jimmy and ignore the preponderance of evidence that points to the fact that he hasn't changed one bit?

What is up for Nacho in the next season? It seems like that there are lots of directions that things could go for him but for the moment he is caught between Lalo and Gus.

There were some leaps in the pursuit of Werner that I thought were a little too much. Howard was barely in this season. How much will he appear, if at all in the next one? Will Jimmy be full on Saul Goodman in the next season? Will he and Kim still be together? What sort of fallout will there be from the Werner incident for Mike? How long will Lalo be around? I assume he will get killed before the end of the show but that might not happen in the next season.

This was a very, very good episode. I would stop short of calling it excellent. I'm still really enjoying this show. I'm curious to see where it goes next. 

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