Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Neon Genesis Evangelion 1.18

Life and Death Decisions

Preparations are made for the announcement of the identity of the pilot of Unit 03. None of other pilots seem to know who it will be.

Some tests are run on Unit 03 but something goes wrong. Unit 03 takes off without authorization. It seems that the pilot isn’t able to control Unit 03 and that it may be controlled by an Angel. 

The other three unit’s are sent out to deal with Unit 03. They are given orders to take it out. Shinji asks about the pilot of Unit 03 and is told not to worry about it. Shinji refuses to fight. A switch is flipped back at Nerv HQ and the his unit is remotely controlled from there.

Shinji watches in horror as Unit 01 stops Unit 03, practically destroying it. Somehow the pilot, Tohji, survives.


It’s unclear to me what happened to Asuka and Unit 02 during the fight. One minute she was there and then she was gone. I’m not sure why or how. It did seem clear that she knew the identity of the pilot of Unit 03 before contact with her was lost. 

There wasn’t much doubt in my mind as to who the pilot of Unit 03 was. There were plenty of hints dropped throughout the episode. 

There was more action in this episode than there was in the last one but I’m not sure if that makes me like it more. The show still feels a bit like either a confused mess or like I am only understanding part of the story. I’m not sure which it is. It’s almost like Shinji, as indecisive as he is, is directing how the story is being told.

Will anything redeem this show for me in the end? Probably not but I'm going to stick with it.

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