Saturday, December 14, 2024

Justice League Action 1.28

The Fatal Fare

Superman boards one of Darkseid's battle cruisers that is ready to jump through a Boom Tube to Earth. Superman interferes with the Boom Tube to the degree that it doesn't take them to Earth but he gets captured by DeSaad and Kanto.

Darkseid gets a ride from Space Cabbie to the fourth moon of Graxos IV. He tells Space Cabbie not to stick around but when Space Cabbie catches up to Darkseid, who forgot his receipt, his discovers that Darkseid, Kanto, and DeSaad are holding Superman prisoner in a cave.

Darkseid asks Space Cabbie to take Kanto back to Apokolips. Space Cabbie talks Kanto into making a stop on a swamp planet but tricks him by taking him to Earth instead. Swamp Thing, Wonder Woman, and Hawkman are waiting for them. Kanto is captured and then Space Cabbie takes them back to the fourth moon of Graxos IV to rescue Superman.


Roxy Rocket is also in this episode. She appears in a commercial that Space Cabbie is watching at the beginning of the episode and comes to pick up Space Cabbie at the end of the episode, much to his disgust, when his taxi won't start. Roxy first appeared in an episode of Batman: The Animated Series titled The Ultimate Thrill but she was not a spacefaring type in that episode.

This was an okay episode. It was much more complex than most episodes. There were some humorous touches that I liked but it lacked in character moments.

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