Monday, December 17, 2018

Casual 4.05

The Last Super Bowl

Leon agrees to host a Super Bowl party. He and Leia still aren't okay. He winds up canceling the party but after talking to Alex he agrees to move the party to his place.

Not much happens with Valerie and John, well nothing monumental. They are a couple. They spend time together in bed, later they go to the Super Bowl party. Even though they are in the episode they seem to be in cruise control or autopilot.

Laura continues to make cooking videos with Camilla, her producer. She is also sleeping with Camilla. Over the course of the episode the relationship start to sour. They run into Tatiana, who has seen the videos that have been posted on Youtube. She doesn't care for her role in them. Laura seems regretful but Camilla isn't.

Leon chats with Val at the party. He goes home after the party and tries talking to Leia. He still wants kids and she is still up in the air on the idea of having kids.

Rae has moved out. She is still seeing Jeff, but he isn't in this episode. She can't live with Alex after he made that comment at the end of the last episode. Alex finally comes around, with some help from Val and invites Rae and Jeff over for the Superbowl party. The episode ends with Alex apologizing and Rae kissing him.

There is some hay made about the fact that this is the last Super Bowl. This season takes place 4 years after the previous one. The last Super Bowl angle felt a bit hollow and tacked on. I didn't think it really added much if anything to the episode.

This isn't perfect but I like it and I think it works.

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