Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Star Blazers 2199 1.06

The Sun Sets on Pluto

Commander Schultz, leader of the Gamila forces on Pluto, jumps the chain of command. Instead of reporting the destruction of the Yamato to General Goer, his immediate superior, he contacts his boss's boss, Lord Desler on the Gamilas Planet. He tells him that the Yamato has been destroyed.

The Yamato, as it turns out, was not as badly damaged as Commander Schultz believed it to be. It submerged into the ocean but it was not destroyed. Lieutenant Commander Sanada and Lieutenant Niimi have figured out how the Gamilas weapon works. It uses reflective shields which allow it to hit targets anywhere on Pluto. It is still dangerous but the forces of Earth know what they are dealing with now.

The two squadrons of fighter craft, that were launched before the Yamato sank into the ocean, locate the Gamilla base. It is cloaked but Kodai and Yamamoto find a way through the cloak. They destroy the parts of the Gamilla base that power the cloaking device.

The Yamato surfaces once again and notices some of the Gamilla's reflecting shields opening up. The Gamilla reflecting beam weapon fires but the Yamato destroys the closest reflecting shield before it can reflect the beam at the Yamato.

Yamamoto sees the beam weapon fire and relays the location to the Yamato. The battleship fires a volley of rounds at the reflecting beam weapon, destroying it. The Yamato turns and attacks the now uncloaked Gamilla base. Most of the Gamilas are destroyed except for the base commander and his assistant who escape back to Gamilas Planet.

Lord Desler is not pleased when he hears about the destruction of the base on Pluto, by an Earth ship that had been previously reported as destroyed. He orders Viceroy Hyss to deal with Commander Schultz.


This was an excellent followup to the previous episode. There's lots of good action. The Gamilas get some of the best character moments. The two episodes could basically be watched together as a single story. I enjoyed quite a bit seeing how it all came together.

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