Monday, October 14, 2019

Dear White People 1.02

Chapter II

This episode is a companion piece to the prior one and has me wondering about the rest of the season. Lionel Higgins, the reporter for the Independent who broke the story about the Dear Black People party, gets the spotlight. The events of the previous episode are also part of this episode. Samantha is only seen fleetingly, just as Lionel was in the previous episode.

Lionel goes to a party the night after the story breaks. He isn't sure about how or if he wants to classify his sexual orientation. The party is thrown by the theater department and he winds up going back "home" with a couple of white theater students. At first it seems like the guy is more into him than the gal is. They all kiss but is doesn't go any further than that.

Lionel's roommate is Troy Fairbanks, the leader of the CORE on campus. Lionel finally lets Troy know that he's into guys.


This episode felt like it lacked a narrative thrust. It is a character exploration. I don't have a problem with that. I do find it disappointing that Lionel's moment of truth, leveling with Troy, didn't feel like it came with any stakes. I'm sure that there were. He was nervous about telling Troy but there was no build up to it and it didn't feel like much of a milestone for Lionel, even though I'm sure that it was one.

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