Friday, May 27, 2022

Orange Is the New Black 5.05

Sing It, White Effie

The second day of the inmate take over of Litchfield begins. The local news is reporting that Judy King is a hostage and being held by Muslim terrorists. The governor decides to send in an elite unit to take over the attempt to retake the prison. Piscatella doesn't like it but he doesn't have much of a choice.

Flaca and Maritza spend time making and posting videos on YouTube. Flaca gets angry when it becomes clear that all the people leaving comments are not interested in her, just Maritza.

Vause develops something of a following. Chapman proposes to her. Vause accepts. Things go well between them until Vause tells Chapman about how she told the others about the murder, without getting specific.

Mendoza tries to make peace with Daya but Daya is still angry at her. Gloria calls Aleida but doesn't tell Aleida about what is going on at Litchfield. Aleida eventually finds out from the TV news. She contacts one of the TV stations. The producer that's she speaks to wants to get her on TV and agrees to send a car for her. 

Judy King becomes a pawn. The White Pride sisters have her. Taystee wants Judy to speak to the press so that they can prove that she has not been mistreated. The Whites want something in return for Judy. They wind up auctioning her off to the highest bidder which winds up being Cindy.

Watson gets the backstory spotlight. She is in her early teens in the spotlight. She goes on a field trip with her class to a private school. She felt good about herself and worked hard before going on the field trip. She sees how much the kids at the private, White school have. She also gets to see a rehearsal of their version of Dream Girls. It is a wake up call for her. She starts to see life differently.

Stratman, one of the guards, who is locked up is going a little nuts. He cannot relieve himself with other people in the room with him. He begs to be allowed to use the bathroom. He tries singing to keep himself from exploding. This goes on for a while before Ruiz takes him to one of the porta-a-johns. She ducktapes him in.

Ruiz has a chat with Caputo, who is in one of the other port-a-johns. She learns that Piscatella probably never added any time to her sentence. She later finds her records and confirms this fact.

Coates and Doggett are making out when they are found by Boo. She warns Doggett who hides Coates in a dryer. Leanne and Angie go looking for the gun which they have lost. They find Coates and are getting ready to turn him in when Doggett sees them. She then notices the gun is on Angie's belt. She grabs it. She tries to give it to Coates. The gun fires. Leanne gets shot in the hand. Coates takes off running with the gun.

Red has a chat with Caputo, who is still locked in the port-a-john. She asks him about Piscatella's record. He jokingly says something about getting a signed confession from Piscatella. She likes that idea and leaves him talking to himself.

Taystee and Josh coach Judy King before taking her to see the press. They want her to do the talking. Watson objects. Taystee is convinced that no one will listen to them unless Judy King speaks for them. Watson remains unconvinced. They get outside. Judy King starts to talk but Taystee cuts her off short. Taystee does most of the talking and then lets Judy go.

Taystee and her friends re-enter Litchfield without Judy. Coates comes running up, waving the gun around. He gets outside and faints.


The episode opens with Linda waking up and looking around, a little confused. That’s her one and only moment in the episode.

Some of the Dominican inmates are playing a game of identifying the inmates based on their records. I wonder if maybe one of them is going to notice that Linda’s record is missing?

There are a few characters who are seen briefly but don't play much of a part in this episode: Nichols, Morello, Suzanne, Soso, Murphy, Piscatella. Flores is not seen at all in this episode. Berlin was not seen in this episode and hadn’t been seen since she holed up in her hideout.

There is no explanation of how Doggett and Coates got together in this episode.

Flaca's shaky cam did not do it for me. It made me a bit dizzy.

Chapman and Vause's story doesn't feel like it is adding much to the overall story.

I wonder how Ruiz' attitude is going to change now that she knows that Piscatella didn't add 5 years to her sentence. Will she end up getting time added to her sentence because of the role she played in the take over?

I thought the backstory spotlight was effective. It is the second spotlight on Watson. The previous one was in 1.07 (Blood Donut). This one helped to provide insight into what she might be thinking in the present. 

It was good to see Aleida back on the show. I believe it is her first appearance this season. She doesn't seem to have changed much despite the fact that she is out of prison.

Will Angie and Leanne try to get revenge on Doggett for helping Coates get away?

The gun is out of the prison.

Not everything adds up here but I think that this is a pretty good season.

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