Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Rick and Morty 5.02


Rick, Morty, Summer, Beth, and Jerry go on the run to escape clones of themselves. They run and they run and they run. They get killed many times, many times. Some of the clones look human, some do not. Some clones want to kill them, others want to help them. The episode ends with the family returning from space with Beth's clone from Season 4.


This episode seems impossible to describe. I've done my best. It is gag after gag after gag. It feels for a while there like it is all going somewhere but in I wasn't sure if I ever saw the real family. Were they all just copies and copies of copies and copies of copies of copies? Maybe the family at the very end was the real family.

I did enjoy this one. It messed with my head but it also made me laugh and smile. I know better than to get my hopes too high with Rick and Morty.

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