Monday, February 27, 2023

Doctor Who (1963) 15.03.03

Image of the Fendahl - Part Three

Leela saves the Doctor from the glowing skull. Max continues to put his plan into motion. He explains to Thea what he has in mind but it doesn't make much sense. Max captures Fendelman and Colby and ties them up in the basement.

The Doctor and Leela go to find Jack and his Gran. Jack's Gran seems to be in coma but the Doctor prattles on until she comes out if it. The Doctor talks to Mrs. Tyler and learns what he can about what she knows about whatever it is that's going on.

The Doctor and Leela go to the TARDIS for a bit. They try to find the origin of the 12 million year old skull but they wind up returning to the priory. Max and his followers are by then in the middle of a ritual. Max kills Fendelman.

The Doctor and Leela run into Jack Tyler and his Gran. They are talking when they get interrupted. They turn around and see a giant slug like creature headed towards them.


I'm still not sold on this one although this episode does feel a little more focused than the last one. The part with the Doctor and Leela in the TARDIS seemed oddly extraneous; it felt like filler.

The commentary isn't bad but it also isn't terribly great. I wish they had a writer or the director or someone that worked behind the camera on the commentary track. 

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