Monday, May 8, 2023

Doctor Who (1963) 19.04.03

The Visitation - Part Three

Adric escapes out the window but Tegan is captured by the android. She is later fitter with a control bracelet that turns her into a mindless automaton.

The Doctor and Richard Mace are spared execution when a couple men (sent by the alien) order the masked men to lock them up. The Doctor notices that the new arrivals are wearing control bracelets. He manages to remove the power sources from the control bracelets but the men are too groggy after their release from the alien's control to be of use.

Nyssa continues to work on the device the Doctor asked her to put together. Adric finds his way back to the TARDIS. He sticks around for a while but later leaves to look for the Doctor. He is quickly captured by some of the masked men.

The android grabs the Doctor and Mace, wrecks havoc in the barn where they were being kept, and takes them back to the alien, the Terileptil. Mace is fitted with a control bracelet but he puts ordinary 17th century handcuffs on the Doctor and has him locked up.

The Terileptil destroys the sonic screwdriver before the Doctor can use it to free himself. The alien then infects a rat with the plague and leaves the Doctor and Tegan and Mace, the latter two of which are still under his control, to deal with it. 


Nyssa spends this entire episode in the TARDIS. Does she accomplish anything? It's hard to tell at this point. Tegan doesn't say much of anything once she has been fitted with a control bracelet. It should have been Adric who was recaptured and fitted with the control bracelet.

I like Mace and the Terileptil but the rest of the guest stars don't add much to my viewing pleasure. The tone of the Terileptil's voice reminds me of Magnus Greel in The Talons of Weng Chiang. I checked. The two parts were played by different actors.

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