Saturday, September 28, 2024

Justice League Action 1.17

Luthor in Paradise

Lex Luthor invades Paradise Island, with some help from Circe. They are there for Queen Hippolyta's staff which can lead the to the Oculus of Argo, an ancient artifact which will give them the power of Zeus. Wonder Woman, Batman, and Superman try to stop the supervillains.

Luthor and Circe get the staff and make their way to the Fallen Realm, the dimension where the artifact can be found. Wonder Woman, Batman, and Superman (with some help from Queen Hippolyta) follow the supervillains to the Fallen Realm but don't arrive in time to prevent Luthor and Circe from getting their hands on the Oculus of Argo.


I have one major quibble with this episode: nothing is said about men being prohibited from setting foot on Paradise Island. The Amazons aren't happy to see them there, including Batman and Superman, but they tolerate them for Wonder Woman's sake after she tells them that they are her sidekicks.

There's a lot of humor in this episode that I liked but I was a little disappointed that it wasn't a couple female members of the League that joined Wonder Woman on this mission like Zatanna and Big Barda. I guess I was hoping for something along the lines of Justice League Unlimited 2.05 (The Balance) in which Wonder Woman teamed up with Hawkgirl.

This is my favorite episode of this series so far. I can't see it getting much better than this.

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