Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Dark Winds 1.03


A big part of this episode is a ceremony that Nanobah, Emma and Joe Leaphorn's niece, goes through. The ceremony happens because she recently had her first period. Her father doesn't know how to deal with it so she turns to Emma for help.

Joe hires Raymond Begay, who was a diver in the Navy, to see what he can find in the reservoir behind Hosteen Tso's home. It takes a while but he finally turns up something.

Lieutenant Leaphorn goes to Flagstaff to meet with Special Agent Whitover. Leaphorn tells Whitover about the missing Mormon family. Whitover is content to let Leaphorn deal with it. Joe returns home with the bodies of Anna Atcitty and Hosteen Tso. He turns Anna's body back over to her parents. He buries Hosteen Tso when he can't find his grandson, the priest.

Chee and Manuelito spend time talking and working together. They also help out with the ceremony for Nanobah. 


This show is moving very fast, too fast in my opinion. I don't need everything explained but it does feel as though things are being skipped over or waved along without enough explanation of one kind or another.

This episode was a little better than the previous one but I can't say that I enjoyed it or was impressed by it. It is much bigger on visuals and spectacle than it is on characterization or pacing.

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