Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Doctor Who (1963) 2.02.01

World's End
(aka The Dalek Invasion of Earth - Part One)

The TARDIS arrives in London but the city looks quite abandoned. The Doctor, Susan, Ian, and Barbara exit the TARDIS. Susan climbs up a wall but then gets injured when she slips and falls. Her ankle is sprained. Some debris from a nearby bridge falls on the TARDIS, preventing the Doctor and the others from accessing it.

The Doctor and Ian go looking in a nearby warehouse for something to help remove some of the debris. Barbara and Susan stay behind because Susan's ankle is hurting too much.

A man named Tyler approaches Susan and Barbara. He warns them against staying where they are. He carries Susan. Barbara follows on foot. They go underground through a tunnel. They meet a couple more men, David and Dortmun, who is in a wheelchair. David goes back to find the Doctor and Ian when he learns that there are others.

The Doctor and Ian find a calendar which indicates that the year in 2164. They also find a dead man. He was in a cardboard box and wearing some sort of a helmet. They don't know what to make of it. They later learn that he is a roboman. They don't find anything to help them move the debris but they decide to head back to where they left Barbara and Susan.

The Doctor and Ian arrive back at the TARDIS but Susan and Barbara aren't there. They are wondering where Susan and Barbara might have gotten to when four robomen approach them. The robomen are silent. Ian suggests that he and the Doctor should jump in the river and get away when they see a Dalek rising out of the water.


The first man to appear on screen in this episode is a roboman. He is played by Kenton Moore, who played Noah in The Ark in Space. I wouldn't have known that if it weren't for the fact that it was pointed out during the commentary track.

Gary Russell (interviewer), Verity Lambert (producer), and Richard Martin (director) are on the commentary track for this episode. This is the second appearance of the Daleks. At the time this story was made it was very unusual for there to be sequels in TV shows. William Russell (Ian) and Carole Ann Ford (Susan) join the commentary track about midway through the episode. 

This is a good start but I'm not blown away just yet. The story is moving at a fairly calm pace.

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