Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Doctor Who (1963) 2.02.02

The Daleks
(aka The Dalek Invasion of Earth - Part Two)

The Doctor and Ian are taken prisoner by the Dalek and the Robomen. They are taken taken to the Daleks’ flying saucer. They are thrown in a cell with Craddock, another prisoner. Craddock tells them all about how the Daleks took over the Earth.

The Daleks identify the Doctor as having above average intelligence. They place a device in his cell. He uses it to escape from the cell but it was just a test. The Doctor does not get more than a few steps outside his cell before he is recaptured. 

The rebels take care of Susan and Barbara. The rebels are planning an attack on the saucer where the Doctor and Ian are being held prisoner. Dortmun, their wheelchair bound leader, has made some bombs which he believes will be very effective against the Daleks.

Some of the humans disguise themselves as Robomen, an idea that Barbara thought up, and they use that scheme to allow them to get close to the saucer without being detected. They use the bombs and break into the saucer. 

The Doctor is taken against his will to an operating room. He is sedated and operated on as the attack on the saucer begins.


Carole Ann Ford is not on the commentary track for this episode but everyone else is back from the commentary track for the previous episode. One thing that comes up on the commentary track is how little time they had to film each episode. I think they said just two hours to do the actual filming.

The story lumbers forward.  There are some important developments in this installment but on the whole it didn’t feel like very much happened. It was a little easier to appreciate some of the character interactions in this episode when I watched it for the second time. In some ways it does feel a little too ambitious, as if they bit off a little more than they could chew. Maybe if they had a little more time to shoot it then the finished product would have flowed a little more smoothly.

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