Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Mr. Inbetween 2.02

Don't Be a Dickhead

Ray goes to the house of the girl who has been bullying Brittany. Her mother doesn't believe him when he tells her what her daughter has been doing. She threatens to call her brother who is a police officer. Ray backs off but a couple days later he gets a visit from a couple police officers. He refuses to answer questions. They don't have a warrant and tell him that they'll be back.

Ray goes out for drinks with Ally, Gary, and Tatiana, Gary's wife. Tatiana isn't having fun so she brings up Ray's obsession with golden showers. Ray does his best to play along with the lie. He has to explain the situation to Ally afterwords. It was Gary's porn but Ray said it was his as a favor to Gary back in 1.01.

Ray agrees to do a job. It is a big deal so he asks for a lot of money including an advance. Freddy is the one who puts him on to the job.

Bruce's health takes a turn for the worse. He falls down in the bathroom and can't get up. He lays there until Ray comes in and finds him. Ray tries to get Bruce to move in with him but Bruce will only agree to think about it.

Ray gets Samantha, the girl who knocked him out with a choke hold last episode, to intimidate Taylor, the girl who has been bullying Brittany. 


I really like the low key approach to this show. The main character is a bad ass of sorts but there's more to him than that. He isn't a show boat. He does what he feels he needs to do.

It feels as though things are building. There are lots of little pieces on the board but they have yet to assembled. I expect that there will be follow up on the threads, the bits and pieces mentioned above, in future episodes.

Another good episode. I'm hoping that the season will have some episodes that rival the last couple from the first season. Considering its short track record I'm more than willing to give it my time. Even if doesn't pay off in that way I like the low key nature of the show.

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