Saturday, March 16, 2024

Wonder Woman (1974)

Wonder Woman (1974)

starring Cathy Lee Crosby
directed by Vincent McEveety

75 minutes

Princess Diana (Cathy Lee Crosby) must track down a missing set of books that contain the names of the United States' top secret agents. Abner Smith (Ricardo Montalban), the mastermind behind the theft of the books, send some of his agents to prevent Wonder Woman from accomplishing her mission. Steve Trevor, her boss, provides assistance and guidance but leaves most of the work up to Wonder Woman.

Mr. Smith's agents aren't quite up the task of dealing with Wonder Woman so he recruits Ahnjayla, one of her sisters, to help him stop her. George, Abner's right hand man, double crosses his own subordinates (Cass and Bob) and tries to do the same to Abner. George's boss proves to be a little more resourceful than George realized. 


Wonder Woman does not put on her costume until about halfway through the movie. It isn't the iconic Wonder Woman uniform but I like it. This version of Wonder Woman exists on Earth-462 in the DC Multiverse.

This 50-year-old, made for television movie is not so good by today's standards. Wonder Woman does not look or dress or in many ways act like the character from the comic books. The fight scenes aren't crisp or filled with amazing fight choreography. It is laughably bad. The one and only star performance is Ricardo Montalban. Cathy Lee Crosby evokes the right tone for Wonder Woman but still left something to be desired.

I don't regret watching this movie. I've known about it for years only just today got around to watching it. This is a museum piece, a relic, something to be examined and studied. It has its moments but I wouldn't recommend it to most people.

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